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What can happen in your first journey to Germany | A simulation | Best case scenario

Everyone likes to hear positive things and are least concerned about the negative things that can/may happen, until and unless it happens. This will be a two part article, in which I am trying to prepare you for what might happen when you arrive in Germany for the first time.

There are two possibilites when you arrive in Germany, either you can get a warm welcome or get really pissed off. Let me simulate the best case scenario in this article, of what may happen during your first few days in Germany.

My next article will simulate the worst case scenario(link), that can happen to anyone. LIKE our facebook page for the updates: Unofficial Studying in Germany

DISCLAIMER: The following scenario is just a excerpt from my experiences and it doesn't mean that, the same will happen to you. But I suggest the reader to take it up as a possibility.


Assumptions: Your semester intake: Winter | Your destination city in Germany : Dresden | Your landing airport: Frankfurt | You have got Rail&Fly offer along with your flight ticket | Your student buddy has agreed to pick you up from the railway station.

You are in your home, fully excited about going abroad and are truly happy by doing all your last-minute purchasing. The D-day has come and you have to leave your home for one last time before you come back, maybe a year later. Your family has arranged for transport from your home to airport and you say Goodbyes to all your near and dear ones. Once you reach the airport, you might have your whole family around, holding their tears back and you will be very happy about your new life ahead in Germany. You are so happy and confident, because you have everything arranged for your arrival in Germany. You have contacted someone in your destination university to come and receive you.

Once you go through the security-check and wait to board your flight to Germany. That is the time, when reality hits you hard and realise that you are leaving everything behind and moving on only with your memories. Again, when the flight announcement start, you forget everything and get very excited to board your flight.

After a good 13-15 hours of flight journey, you land in one of the major airports in Germany. It might be either Frankfurt, Munich, Berlin, Dusseldorf or even some other domestic airport nearby to your destination city. You go through immigration, security check and wait for almost 30 minutes to claim your baggage from the luggage belt.

There is a high possibility that you might have already contacted someone via Facebook or other social media and grouped up together to travel in the same flight and arrive together. Lets assume, there is another person who is coming along with you to the same university. After claiming your baggage, both of you are stepping outside Frankfurt airport for the first time and you are happy to see sign boards in both English and German. You goto the Frankfurt Flughafen train station and wait for your ICE train to arrive. Once the train comes, both of you are struggling hard to get all your luggage onto the train and finally get seated with an eye for your luggage. The train examiner comes and checks your ticket and wishes you a happy journey. You both dozed off for a good couple of hours before you arrive at Dresden.

As soon as you step out of the train, the chillness hits your body and that's the time you start zipping up your jacket. You think that, it is not so cold and try to convince yourself by looking out for the student buddy, who has promised to pick you guys up from the 'bahnhof'. Both of you look around for couple of minutes and finally find your student buddy. He welcomes you and starts to move towards the exit, whilst you guys are dragging your luggages slowly and follow him.

Once you step out of the 'bahnhof', your whole body starts to shiver with the freezing cold and that is when you realize that, the jacket you bought in India is not worthy and waste of money. All the three of you get into a tram and your student buddy helps you both to take a 'fahrkarte'. Both of you try to have small talk with your buddy along-side being astonished with the view of the city along the tram. After 5-10 minutes, the tram arrives near your studentdorm and once the tram door opens, you feel the shivering.

To finish it up, please do let me know if you had liked this type of article so that, I can write more in this style. Look out for my next article on worst case scenario which will be more interesting and enlightening.

Have a nice day!

Cheers :)


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