Well to start with, I am currently at the end of my studies in Germany with a decent GPA. According to me coming to Germany was one of the best decisions in my life. It has been little over 2 years since I landed in Germany. Even I was confused to choose between US or Germany, but due to economical reasons I had to choose Germany and never turned back again. If you are also in a confused state of mind, please allow me to explain the pros and cons of studying/living in Germany. I do not have a better picture about US, since I haven’t been there, which is why I will tell only about Germany. To be more frank, let me start with the cons first. Language: This is considered to be one of the major drawbacks of studying in Germany. By this time, you should have heard from almost everyone regarding the importance of learning German language before coming to Germany. Actually most of the universities and courses have made A2 level as Mandatory for Admission requirements, some even
So, when you have just arrived in Germany and are mesmerized with everything around you; starting from the traffic, rules, dorms, universitiy, etc., Something that is much more important is food and groceries that you need for day-to-day life activities. The problem with the German supermarkets is that, most of the products or items in the supermarket will be in German language and most of the new comers find it difficult to locate many items inside the supermarket. The situation gets worse, if you are not well-versed in German because most of the supermarket staff will only know German language and it would be difficult for you to explain what you are searching for. Why you need to learn German? Check it out In this article, I have tried to show all the Indian/Asian products that you can buy from the German supermarkets. Before I show you the products, I would mention some of the biggest and most renowned supermarkets in Germany which can be found in all the places