A happy new year to all my readers, who are following and reading this blog. This is my first article of this year. I was off for quite a while and there have been a lot of enquiries and requests from many aspirants regarding how to get an admit? What are the proper steps or ways to follow. Let me give you an example and explain. Please do note that, there is no hard and fast rule that everyone needs to follow these steps and I do not guarantee anything. The below points are from my experience and observations. Let’s take an example of Raghu, who is currently at 5th semester of his Bachelor’s studies and he is aspiring to pursue his Masters from Germany. So, I would suggest him to first find out his niche and passion. Completing a Masters is a herculean task and there is no point for Raghu to pursue Masters in Artificial Intelligence, when he has a passion for Thermodynamics. First step for Raghu is to find his interest and then do other things. Also Raghu needs to start learning ‘...
Dear Readers/Followers, I am very happy to receive all your doubts and questions regarding "Studying in Germany". But, I would prefer to answer your questions via the comments section of this blog, rather than in my personal profile. Everyday I receive around 10-20 message requests in various social media platforms and am thinking of channelizing it properly and efficiently. Most of you have common questions like choosing university, part-time jobs, etc., I am glad to help you with your doubts, but it would be more convinient if you could post it in the comments section of this post; so that even others can view it and will be helpful for everyone. I completely understand your situation, because 2 years back I was also like you. Do not hesitate to comment your questions and doubt, I will do my level best to clarify it. With love, Aravind Sindhey